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About my research activity

 With a career spanning over 40 years in academic research and innovation, I bring experience and expertise to sustainable and smart urban development. After obtaining my PhD in geotechnics, I spent about 20 years focusing on advanced numerical modeling of soil-structure interaction, emphasizing offshore foundations, piles, dams, tunnels, ground improvement, and earthquake engineering.  Then, my research turned toward sustainability to integrate social, economic, and environmental aspects into infrastructure design. Since 2008, I have been at the forefront of smart systems research, harnessing digital innovations like IoT, smart sensors, Artificial Intelligence, and BIM. This work has enabled comprehensive and knowledge-based management of urban systems, from smart cities and buildings to water and energy systems and governance. 


My research activity resulted in around 200 journal papers, 4 comic books, more than 20 invited lectures, and organizing more than 15 international conferences.

PhD Supervision

2019, LGCGE, PhD Summer School.jpg


I supervised about 100 PhD in civil engineering, water resources management, urban engineering, sustainability, and smart systems (smart water, smart energy, smart buildings, smart cities, smart governance…).

Webinars & Conferences

 TEDEX Lille - Smart City talk

Contribution of the Smart City to the UN sustainability goals

International Cooperation

Throughout my career, I have established solid international cooperation with academic teams in the United States, Europe, China, the Middle East, and North Africa. These collaborations involved more than 20 PhD co-supervisions, 40 short and long mutual scientific visits, and the organization of conferences and workshops. They benefited from the financial support of the French government, the European Commission, and bilateral cooperation programs.

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Science and Education: Unleashing Boundless Potential for Human Progress

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